
Bridging the Education / Workforce Gap: The Role of Apprenticeships

May 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am

This event is complete, you can view the recordings here.

Many American labor experts have looked upon Europe’s vocational education and training (VET) systems with admiration. One of the great strengths of these systems has been the way in which they have fulfilled important economic objectives, such as furnishing firms with a steady supply of skilled workers, while at the same time performing critical social inclusion functions, such as opening a pathway for lower-income and non-academically inclined youth to acquire the training they need to find stable, well-paid employment.

This symposium will host thought leaders from all parts of the vocational and apprenticeship equation to discuss how we can expand and create new training opportunities that prepare workers for the jobs of the future. We will hear from educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and apprentices about how to build upon current successes in job training. Please join us and help to set a new agenda for bridging the education / workforce gap through quality apprenticeships.

The conference is hosted by MIT Open Learning and MassBridge, a state-wide effort to build new education models for advanced skills.


Introduction to MassBridge: George Westerman (MIT)

State-based Apprenticeship Programs: Amy Firestone (SC), Denise Miller (CO), Kathryn Castelloes (NC), Rebecca DeMatteis (OH)

Keynote: The state of MA Apprenticeships
Patrick Mitchell, Director, Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning

Community College’s Role in Apprenticeships: Dr. Rebecca Lake (moderator), Chad Bridgman (Sinclair CC), Chrissy Cooney (Lorain), Sarah Janes (San Jacinto), Kathleen Canfield (Harper College)

Hearing from the Apprentices: Meghan Abella-Bowen (Moderator), Rhonda Williams (Ford-Electrician), Chad Robinson (Siemens-Manufacturing), Travis Barrett (JP Morgan-IT); Oscar Oquino (Loop Lab)

Keynote: Importance of strong apprenticeship programs
Jennifer Worth, Senior Vice President, Academic & Workforce Development, AACC

What’s Next for US Apprenticeships: Jennifer Carlson (Executive Director, Apprenti), Diana Jarboe (KCTCS), Jared Shank (OH Higher Ed), Steve Nelson (Moderator); Deoborah Kobes, Deputy Director, Center for Apprenticeships (JFF)

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May 19, 2022
10:00 am